Unquestionable investment expertise, transparent pricing and respect for clients.

Our values


We will help you secure and accumulate the capital you need to operate, while freeing up your resources so you can focus on the real purpose of your organisation.

Private investors

Our investment professionals are here to help you achieve your goals. From €5,000 upwards, we offer you access to our first-class fund solutions.

Artists & Athletes

We offer uncompromising support to artists and athletes. A professional and personal solution for long-term investment, wealth building and income security.

Meet the team

Tommi Kemppainen
CEO, Founder, Portfolio Manager
+358 40 73 111 73
Timo Vertala
HCP Group Chairman of the Board
HCP Sports Founder and Manager
+358 40 583 32 29
Pasi Havia
HCP Focus and HCP Quant Portfolio manager
+358 9 689 88 481
Christoffer Sundberg
HCP Bricks Portfolio manager
+358 45 162 9180
Mattias Lindfors
HCP Bricks Portfolio manager
+358 40 065 0556
Toivo Toikka
Head of Fund Administration, Analyst, Artists
+358 50 5603004
Mikko Salmio
HCP Sports Partner
+358 50 342 5035
Niilo Toijonen
Legal intern, HCP Sports Associate
+358 9 689 88 481

We are an asset management company committed to social responsibility and transparency. We strive to make a clean break with ethically questionable practices in the financial sector.

HCP Sustainability Report
#HCPspirit, Luca Delgado

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