HCP Focus

A unique and focused fund that has succeeded by picking the right megatrends and investing in high-growth, sustainable competitive stocks.
Description of the fund

Invest in megatrends and sustainable competitive advantage.

When actively investing in equities, you should aim to outperform the general equity indices. HCP Focus has achieved this objective by selecting companies for its concentrated portfolio that: a) have an important strategic advantage over their peers, b) benefit from one or more global trends and c) are, to the best of our knowledge, low or at least reasonably priced.
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Returns are net returns (returns after fees).
The value on the last business day of the month is the preliminary value.
Experience has shown that the most successful investment strategies are often long-term strategies. The longer the investment horizon, the more important it is to take account of the megatrends, large and small, that are shaping the world. HCP Focus portfolio companies are particularly benefiting from the digital revolution, driven by the shift of work and leisure online.

Portfolio management team

Pasi Havia

+358 9 689 88 481
Varaa tapaaminen

Niilo Toijonen

+358 9 689 88 481
Varaa tapaaminen

Tommi Kemppainen

Salkunhoitajan varamies
+358 40 73 111 73
Varaa tapaaminen

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HCP Focus on the media
The fund made a rocket-rise during the corona pandemic: picking up pandemic relief services for its portfolio.
Talouselämä, 05/2020
At the end of last year, there was much discussion in the markets, particularly about the excessive valuations of technology companies. But now the fund has again benefited from its strong bet on digitalisation.
Arvopaperi, 07/2020
Pandemic wipes out hedge fund gains but HCP Focus fund remains resistant.
AMWatch.com 05/2020

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