HCP Quant

A quantitative deep value fund investing in small and medium-sized enterprises uses a unique algorithm to screen investment targets.
Description of the fund

The rise of small value companies through quantitative stock picking.

The fund uses quantitative methods for stock selection. The fund is globally diversified across emerging and developed markets into small and medium sized companies. Small and medium-sized companies have outperformed large companies over the long term.
Returns are net returns (returns after fees).
The value on the last business day of the month is the preliminary value.
The fund screens investments from tens of thousands of companies, investing in those that are cheap by a number of different measures at the same time. Over the long term, this systematic quantitative investment strategy has been shown to outperform the market by a wide margin.
Distribution of the fund

Portfolio management team

Pasi Havia

+358 9 689 88 481
Varaa tapaaminen

Niilo Toijonen

+358 9 689 88 481
Varaa tapaaminen

Tommi Kemppainen

Salkunhoitajan varamies
+358 40 73 111 73
Varaa tapaaminen

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HCP Quant in media
The cyclical shift from growth to value behind HCP Quant's soaring returns
Sijoitustieto, 03/2022
The trump cards of the best performing fund, HCP Quant, are strong concentration and quantitative methods.
Kauppalehti, 02/2022
According to Rahastoraportti, a comparison of Finnish funds, the most profitable fund at the beginning of the year has been Helsinki Capital Partners' Quant fund.
Arvopaperi, 06/2021

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